But my nephew, Prince of men that he is, put me to work setting up an "Internet War Room". And who better to lead a war than me, Uncle Ivan? I'm a true war hero after all (did I mention that I saved all those jooos from that awful camp when my jeep got drunk and I made a right turn instead of a left. Last time I'll do THAT I tells ya!).
Well I've made good progress setting up this internets thingy. I got some kids from Kos to come over and help me. Once they finished smoking pot they got me all hooked up. I don't know what this mouse thing is but it makes pretty when I move it in the tv. We're going to be targeting all those mean places that say bad things about my sweet sweet mis-understood muslim, er marxist, sorry..., NEPHEW. The joo baiting, whitey hating - half cracker. Oh man I need a drink...
Well, off to the keyboard. I'm going to start by painting horns on every picture of Condoleeza I can find. You can do that on the internet right?
1 comment:
Hey Chase! I had a rash too and Barack fixed it by just thinking about it. Isn't that WONDERFUL?!?! He's so dreamy. And it runs in the family!
I pretty much hate everyone.
Man I need a drink.
-Uncle Ivan
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