Take a look...

[Click on image for larger view.]
Too bad this one has that obvious misspelling, though...

[Click on image for larger view.]
Of course, if you don't like those, maybe you would like some of these instead.
Finally! A change (of shirts) we can believe in!
UPDATE 7/22:
Looks like one of our Obama t-shirts is becoming a celebrity! Check out this clip from Fox & Friends...
[ED: Sorry, video has been removed due to technical problems, 8/30/08]
via Hot Air
h/t to this character
Can I have a Chebama one?
Wow, that awful, awful Rethuglican neocon, Michelle Malkin really liked your tee shirts.
Congratulations, Rev!
Have you considered actually selling them? I'd order!!!
For a good screen printer, go here.
How bout a t-shirt with Obama pictured as Mick Jaggar at Altomont saying,
"You wouldn't want my trousers to fall down now would you?"
Obama is such a rock star to the media and his minions. Why not put him in his real role.
And why not keep it going with a t-shirt that shows terrorists protecting Obama just like the Hell's Angles "protected" Jagger.
JERUSALEM – Members of the most active West Bank terror organization are set to serve in security forces being deployed to protect Sen. Barack Obama during his trip to the West Bank tomorrow, WND has learned.
i love these tshirts!
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