Trouble is tho', their new logo really ain't all that fancy at all. In fact, it seems downright bland if you ask me! But, seein' as how our good friend Harvey over yonder at the IMAO noticed a certain similarity 'tween their "fancy" new logo and Sir Thomas Crapper's great contribution to human civ'lization, I got to thinkin' maybe they'd like some help mooovin' that there merchandise they's a-sellin', so I whupped up a few bumper stickers fer 'em based on Harvey's much more eye-pleasin' redesign! Let me know what y'all think...

Ya know, one thing keeps on a-botherin' me about that new logo. It seems a might too familiar...

Wait a minute...

Almost there...

That's it!

I knew I'd seen it somewhere's before! Them Democrats is as sneaky as rattlesnakes and twice as slipp'ry! Best mind yourselves when wanderin' near 'em, I always say.
Cross-posted at IMAO.
in this age of unemployment, massive deficits, 70% of the population thinking the country’s going in the wrong direction… the people were really crying out for a party bold enough to rebrand itself with an elegant new logo. The Democrats heard their call. This could really turn things around for the blue party.
OMG--That logo is so lame to begin with, but your bumper stickers bring it right to life. Hilarious!
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